Server side programming language

Server-side scripting programming language that runs on the server, and then translated into HyperText Markup Language (HTML) which can be viewed by any web browser. The two most popular server-side scripting language is PHP: Hypertext Processor and Active Server Pages (ASP). In addition, there are many other languages ​​such as AJAX and ColdFusion.

PHP can be run on Unix and Windows Server, which makes it more accessible than their Windows, Active Server Pages (ASP). Most of the full-service web design company will have at least one master PHP.
Using PHP wide, and can include any type of server functionality that takes user input and displays or manipulates the input. Some examples of board-related work of this message, auction sites, shopping carts, and more. There is a script for a free (open source) out there for PHP beginners to use. Synopsis is intended to serve only as a gateway to other works, although the main purpose is to give readers enough information so they can make intelligent decisions about what web developers that they should do. For those who want to get into PHP, there are many free tutorials and primers out there:
PHP mySQL database system is generally used. MySQL is a server-side system that is included in many Unix servers and several windows.

On the other hand, Active Server Pages to run - for the most part only on Windows Server. This can cause some problems. Windows hosting server or the private sector is generally more expensive than Unix server, making it less accessible than PHP. Such as PHP, ASP can do nothing. There are far fewer open source script written in ASP, access to other evidence.

ASP can use many different database systems. Many users prefer Microsoft Access. Access, unlike MySQL, offers what-you-see-is-what-that-get editor (WYSIWYG) as part of the Microsoft Office suite. In fact, you probably already have a copy of Microsoft Access on your computer and not even know it. Its use is not limited to databasing, also used as a basic spreadsheet application for those who need a more environmentally friendly than Excel programmer. ASP can also work well with MSSQL or MySQL.

With the increasing popularity of programming languages ​​is Asynchronous Javascript and XML. AJAX, because it is often called, creating an interactive web program like ASP and PHP cousin. AJAX uses XHTML and CSS, along with documents from Javascript Object Model to create interactive pages that are designed for speed and usability as a whole. Although AJAX does not get recognition from the PHP and ASP, the future is certainly bright.

It's hard to say which of three programming languages, or in this case, many others are the best. There will always be disputes, and there is no set standard. With various interpretations of what programming language should, PHP or ASP predilections arise. PHP is definitely more widely used, but not always the best. When a site created to be interactive, a professional can give an educated opinion technology should be used.

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