Tips to accelerate Windows XP

Here is a simple trik2 to accelerate Windows XP. Effectiveness trik2 may berbeda2, following Tips2 might make your computer unstable. then the "Proceed WITH CAUTION". Also do not forget to backup the registry before tweaking.
How to Backup Registry
Start> Run> regedit> file> export
give the backup file name. reg you click ok!
1. Reply to disable the Windows Service is not required.
Because windows intended for different users and tasks, then the windows to make service the truth is not really necessary. Following Service2 often resource consuming wrote not a few, with disable (to disable it) then we can get the computer a little boost because of it.
* Alerter
* Clipbook
* Computer Browser
* Distributed Link Tracking Client
* Fast User Switching
* Help and Support - (If you are using windows help, then this step-skip aja)
* Human Interface Access Devices
* Indexing Service
* IPSEC Services
* Messenger
* Netmeeting Remote Desktop Sharing
* Portable Media Serial Number
* Remote Desktop Help Session Manager
* Remote Procedure Call Locator
* Remote Registry
* Remote Registry Service
* Secondary Logon
* Routing & Remote Access
* Server
* Telnet
* TCP / IP NetBIOS Helper
* Upload Manager
* Universal Plug and Play Device Host
* Wireless Zero Configuration - (Do not be disabled if you are using Wireless)
* Workstation

How to disable service above:
1. Click Start> Run> type "services.msc"
2. Double-click the service wrote to changed
3. Change the startup type to 'Disable "
2. Turn off System Restore
System restore can be useful if the computer trouble, but all the restore points funded could take a big elbow room on your hard drive. System restore is always a burden for the system monitor, disable system restore with the most resources can be allocated to other posteriority.
1. Open the Control Panel
2. Click Performance and Maintenance
3. Click System
4. Click the System Restore tab
5. Select 'Turn off System Restore on All Drives'
6. Click 'Ok'
3. Accelerating access Folder - with disable Last Access Update.
If you have a lot of folders and subdirectories, then access to the Windows XP direktory2 very heavy and often cuman waste of time. With the update time stamp on the registry, the last access updates to all sub-directories will speed up access to the folder.
Proceed with caution:
1. Start> Run> regedit
2. "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ System \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ FileSystem" 3. Right-click on the part and the right (look for an empty area of reply), and select 'DWORD Value'
4. Create a DWORD Value with the name 'NtfsDisableLastAccessUpdate'
5. Right-click the new value and hold select 'Modify'
6. Change the data to '1 '7. Click 'OK'
4. Disable Microsoft System Sounds
By default Mikocok Sound Systems to make the computer sound / noise when booting the start, shutdown, error, etc.. Scenario sound windows makes jelas2 slower computers (particularly in the early shutdown and booting), to disable please follow these steps:
1. Open the Control Panel
2. Click the Sounds and Audio Devices
3. Click the Sounds tab
4. Choose "No Sounds" from the Sound Scheme
5. Click "No"
7. Click "Apply"
8. Click "OK"
5. Boot time speed up
Yg pretty cool feature of Windows XP is the ability to mendefrag when there is in the process of booting. Boot Defrag to set file2 yg principles relevant to the boot sequence. By default this feature has been activated on several Build of Windows, but some windows build does not, it's good cross-check our reply to the reply feature of this one.
1. Start Menu> Run
2. Regedit
3.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Dfrg \ BootOptimizeFunction
4. Search for "Enable" in the right side regedit
5. Click "Modify"
6. Select "Y to enable"
7. Reboot / logoff
Bootvis also can be tried, to cut the boot time with sweet maneuvers.

Yach, So much had a few tricks for accelerating the Windows .. .

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