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Link Building Web Design Process
Posted on Senin, 12 Juli 2010 by internet marketing
The easiest way to increase your rankings in search engines is to let them know that your website is important. How do you do? Well, the best way is through link building process. Link building is the practice of encouraging other websites to link to your own website. If other websites are linking to your website, your "link popularity" will increase, search engines will assume your site is important, and in turn, you will receive more traffic. Link building is a time consuming task, and it is for this reason that almost all websites rank so poorly in search engines. Many website owners are unaware that link popularity can have an effect on their search engine rankings. This is only good for you. Start building your links now and you build a "web credibility".
Importance of Page Rank
Google, the most popular search engine on the Internet, link popularity measures the site through the use of Page Rank. To view the Page Rank of a website, just download the Google Toolbar. Toolbar will display the Page Rank of every website you visit, measured as the little green bar. Page Rank A web site can vary from a low of zero to a high of 10. Do not worry if your website has a low Page Rank, or not. Many web sites only have a Page Rank 1 or 2, but the most popular Internet site has a Page Rank of 8 or 9.
Quality Counts
Search engines do not just look for the number of links pointing to your website. The most important aspect of this process is to get quality links. Quality links are links from sites with high Page Rank. Get links from sites with high Page Rank is the best, although the site with 1 or above is useful. Search engines also consider the theme of the website linked to your page. The best way to get links from sites related to the industry in which you do business. For example, my trade is website design, therefore, I work to get most of my links from other sites related to web design.
Get the link
One of the best ways to increase your link popularity is to offer quality and informative content for your visitors and hope to link nature. If they find the information interesting enough, they will naturally link their web site for your own.
Directory submissions may be the quickest and easiest way to get inbound links. However, because Internet directories link to thousands of other websites, the value they can add to your Page Rank will be diluted by all the other links. To-submit-to the directory is The Open Directory Project www.dmoz.org. After this, it is best to look for a small niche or local directories. Submitting your site to Canada, Ontario, and even Windsor web directory will help let the search engines know which area (s) you serve. Then, you must submit to a directory of related industries to demonstrate to the search engine of your business. A Google search can help you find the type of directory.
If you feel that you have a flair for writing, a good way to generate inbound links to your website is by writing articles. This article can then be submitted to article syndication sites, where other webmasters are free to use your article on their website. But, there is a catch - they must provide a link back to your website in exchange for use of articles. If you do not have the time or drive to write an article, but you participate in discussion forums related to the industry, you're in luck. Do not forget to include a link to your website in your signature.
The final way to generate quality inbound links is through reciprocal linking. This type of strategy involves contacting other webmasters and propose a link exchange. Find some non-competitive sites, but related, and only e-mail them to see if they are interested. It is better to have their link on the page in your website before the proposition.
Important Linking Text
When using one approach over the link, very important that you try to use keywords that are targeted as part of your link. Search engines read text to determine what your website is all about. If your website involves "Red Widget", try to use this as part of your link text.
Link popularity is very important when trying to rank well in search engines. Link analysis will only get more important for search engines, not less.
This type of strategy is resistant to manipulation and justifiable way to measure the importance of the website. Therefore, the process of link building should be given high priority in the Internet marketing efforts, and because it takes time, the sooner you start the better.
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