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Devinisi and Usefulness Steganography
Posted on Senin, 02 Januari 2012 by internet marketing
Steganography is a strategy for covering details that is individual with something that the result will look like any other typical details. Advertising that widely used is a different media with media details providers key, which is where the operate of steganography strategy is as cover up methods Another use of different media so that private details is not in the preliminary media clearly visible
Steganography is also different from cryptography that is on the result. Cryptography is usually as a result of different details from its unique form and is usually details as if unpleasant but can be renewed to its unique details. While the outcomes of steganography result has the same form as the unique details, of course, this understanding by the people feelings, but not by computer systems or other electronic computer. Also on
steganography to cover the everyday living of details not seen / known and happens protected composing. While the cryptography details is protected with encrypted sheild or development methods and details but not discovered in comprehended his factor. However, steganography and cryptography in common have the same objective of obtaining the details, how that details can not be study,
understood or known immediately. Steganography make use of disadvantages - scarcity of people feelings such as face and hearing. With the insufficient this that this strategy can be used in a wide range of electronic media. Advertising take care of is a electronic details to be used with details that will be invisible or often known as the stego moderate. Various media can be used as a take care of of the details or details that would invisible with steganography methods. Advertising is media that is designed by means of electronic data files with various types, among others: Pictures (bmp, gif, jpeg, tif, etc.), Music (wav, mp3, etc.), Movie, Text
Usefulness Steganography
Steganography can be used for a wide range of factors, some of them to justification, but can also, for factors that are not excellent. For requirements of authenticity can used as graphic with watermarking protection on the argument for protection trademark. Digital watermarks (also known as fingerprinting, which is dedicated to issues relevant to copyright) is very just like steganography because it uses the strategy concealment in the store, which surfaced as a authentic part of the data file and not quickly discovered by most people. Steganography can also be used as a way to make alternative a value one-way hash (ie the person requires a diverse duration feedback and make a fixed duration result sequence form to confirm that no changes made on the unique feedback variables). Moreover, steganography can be used as a tag-notes to online images. Steganography can also be used to execute servicing on the privacy of useful details, to protect such details from the opportunity of aspects, robbery, or not authorized accessibility.
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