
This part of the most interesting. In this section we will walk overclocking, relying on some software that can be downloaded free from the internet.

Overclock Video Card
Overclocking the video card, is relatively easy especially with Powerstrip.

* You can use Powerstrip with downloading from www.entechtaiwan.net.
* Set the configuration of Performace profile, by right clicking the tray icon.
* You will see two vertical slider. Slider left, the control for the video card core speed. Right slider is the control of the speed of video card memory.
* Add the video card core speed gradually (maximum 2 MHz). Perform the stability test by playing 3D games or running benchmarks. Repeat this until the maximum core speed of the video card. Do the same thing for the memory clock. Now you can enjoy a new frame rates faster for free.

Overclock Motheboard
In order to overclock the motherboard is slightly different. You must customize the application according to the motherboard chipset. Here we take the example of two overclocking motherboard. First is the motherboard with nForce2 chipset.

* For motherboard with nVidia chipset, you can take advantage NV system utilities applications from www.nvidia.com.
* In this application, lived shifts towards the right slider on the bus speeds. This will adjust the FSB clock is also memory bus. For the AGP bus, available on a separate slider.
* There are also settings for memory timing control. Memory setting a more aggressive would be beneficial for AMD systems.
* Just like the video card, you must add gradually FSB and AGP bus. Run a stability test. When finished, you can close by clicking on the button (OK). Note: when the OC that you do not match, then the computer will automatically hang and had to restart the computer.

The second is the Intel motherboard D875PBZ. Using the Intel Desktop Control Center, unfortunately, this utility only runs on Intel motherboards output.

* To conduct OC, you can do it automatically.
* Can also manually. In Tune menu located at the top, select the option Burn-in, burn-in enable mode.
* There are a host of I / O mode and AGP / PCI mode. On the Host I / O mode, OC is based on the percentage to 4%. While the AGP / PCI mode, raising the AGP bus clock that automatically increase the PCI clock.
* After the addition, you can measure stability. By doing stress-it on the bottom left of the application with a check mark. google1bb127b06f32c158.html

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