Webmin Installation SUSE 10.1

Want to unix like web coordinator web host hosting server management via the web? Webmin can be answer. Webmin offers a wide range of alternate options for settings
Linux, so it would not harm to try.

Let us begin,
1. Download Webmin (could take a tarball or RPM. I
take the RPM, webmin-1270-1.noarch.rpm. The latest version can be taken
in Website Webmin
2. Copy the install location. Whatever you want to copy where,
remember the location where the original copy:-P. I still used to install from a folder
/ opt.
3. Install Webmin
RPM version:
- Open a Konsole / Terminal
• Log in to install location
cd / opt
rpm-ivh webmin-1270-1.noarch.rpm

That's it. We can go to webmin via the web by typing
URL: http://computername:port (10000 is the standard interface.
If we modify the set up, modify the port). Could also
URL http://IPAddress:port.Version Tarball

- Untar the tarball version
tar zxvf webmin-1270-1.tar.gz
- Go to the folder of tar
cd webmin-1270-1 (or cd / opt/webmin-1.270-1)
- Run the setup file
. / setup.sh
- Fill out all appropriate configuration webmin installer questions
4. Post-Installation
To protect the webmin setup, we can switch on the life
ssl, by the way:
- Install ssl module for perl (perl-Net_SSLeay). CD / DVD SUSE
10.1 already includes. Install it via YaST.
- Open the file / etc / webmin / miniserv.conf
- Change ssl = ssl = 0 to 1
- Restart webmin (can be via the menu in webmin)
- Open webmin using a browser by replacing the URL protocol

http to https (https: / / computername: port or
https: / / Ipaddress: port).
5. Ready to use webmin. Building Squid, Samba, DNS, Email
Postfix hosts etc. must besimple for your webmin.

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