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6 Tips For Saving Money On Your Next Computer Purchase
Posted on Jumat, 19 Agustus 2011 by internet marketing
Buying a computer does not have to be a budget breaker. Computer purchase often contain additional components and software are not needed and can be avoided ... if you are well prepared with the correct information.
To help, the following tips can be used to save money on your next purchase of Your Computer:
Take the case of your computer. If the computer is not a brand name is more than likely the case can be opened and can be reused. Cases can cost anywhere from $ 25 to $ 100. If you have a mid tower case, check the number of available bays for CD / DVD drive, and other devices, Does the USB port and audio in the future?
Cases are often over-looked items that typically can be used over and over again.
2 - Monitor Keyboard and Mouse - Just because you buy a new computer keyboard and mouse do not mean to be replaced. An optical mouse lasts longer than the mouse ball style. The same principle applies to the keyboard, unless you are a heavy computer user and the used and does not respond, you may not need a new keyboard.
Monitor may need to play if you want to upgrade to a larger screen size. If you're happy with your monitor and have no problem with it, you are better of keeping it a little longer until you can afford a new monitor.
3 - Software License - A lot of people forget when buying a new computer operating system license fee included in price. If the new computer has installed the same OS, do not pay for another license.
The same goes for other software such as Microsoft Office. Unless you want to upgrade to another OS or Office version, save your money. Significant savings can be realized by not buying the cost of un necessary software licenses.
4 - Consider the Brand Name - While Dell, HP and Sony are some big names in computers, the reality is that most computers come from the same region in Asia, especially laptops. Consider shopping for a lesser brand names, or visit your local computer repair shop.
Unknown brands such as Acer, usually cheaper, but in the case or laptop, the same parts. Computer repair shop allows for customization, so you can customize to your needs, not by what is on the shelf allows for more savings.
5 - Guarantees - With advanced technology, what seems like the speed of sound, the lifetime of computers tend to run about three to five years. This is not that the hardware begins to fail, but advances in Software require more processing power and memory requirements increase.
Consider the length and type of warranty at the time of purchase. Also consider the warranty that comes with the computer. It is possible that buying an extended warranty may not be necessary for the desktop, but it may be necessary for laptops.
6 - The cost of labor - Add or upgrade involves labor, amounting to an additional fee. If you are somewhat technical or practical, consider installing additional components themselves. There are many ways - for the tutorial on the Internet, with a video that details the many types of installations.
As usual with research purchases, large and shop around for prices. Understanding what your price range will keep you from overspending, while a knowledge of what you buy, will keep the commission salesman from emptying your wallet!
To help, the following tips can be used to save money on your next purchase of Your Computer:
Take the case of your computer. If the computer is not a brand name is more than likely the case can be opened and can be reused. Cases can cost anywhere from $ 25 to $ 100. If you have a mid tower case, check the number of available bays for CD / DVD drive, and other devices, Does the USB port and audio in the future?
Cases are often over-looked items that typically can be used over and over again.
2 - Monitor Keyboard and Mouse - Just because you buy a new computer keyboard and mouse do not mean to be replaced. An optical mouse lasts longer than the mouse ball style. The same principle applies to the keyboard, unless you are a heavy computer user and the used and does not respond, you may not need a new keyboard.
Monitor may need to play if you want to upgrade to a larger screen size. If you're happy with your monitor and have no problem with it, you are better of keeping it a little longer until you can afford a new monitor.
3 - Software License - A lot of people forget when buying a new computer operating system license fee included in price. If the new computer has installed the same OS, do not pay for another license.
The same goes for other software such as Microsoft Office. Unless you want to upgrade to another OS or Office version, save your money. Significant savings can be realized by not buying the cost of un necessary software licenses.
4 - Consider the Brand Name - While Dell, HP and Sony are some big names in computers, the reality is that most computers come from the same region in Asia, especially laptops. Consider shopping for a lesser brand names, or visit your local computer repair shop.
Unknown brands such as Acer, usually cheaper, but in the case or laptop, the same parts. Computer repair shop allows for customization, so you can customize to your needs, not by what is on the shelf allows for more savings.
5 - Guarantees - With advanced technology, what seems like the speed of sound, the lifetime of computers tend to run about three to five years. This is not that the hardware begins to fail, but advances in Software require more processing power and memory requirements increase.
Consider the length and type of warranty at the time of purchase. Also consider the warranty that comes with the computer. It is possible that buying an extended warranty may not be necessary for the desktop, but it may be necessary for laptops.
6 - The cost of labor - Add or upgrade involves labor, amounting to an additional fee. If you are somewhat technical or practical, consider installing additional components themselves. There are many ways - for the tutorial on the Internet, with a video that details the many types of installations.
As usual with research purchases, large and shop around for prices. Understanding what your price range will keep you from overspending, while a knowledge of what you buy, will keep the commission salesman from emptying your wallet!
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