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cgi technology on movie
Posted on Jumat, 14 Oktober 2011 by internet marketing
What is CGI?
Certainly not a few of us who question what technology and how these creative films made. Apparently, the key to making these films is a computer graphics application called computer generated imagery (CGI). With this software can create 3D images complete with a variety of desired effects. Some of the popular CGI software, among others, Art of Illusion (can be downloaded at sourceforce.net), Maya, Blender, and others.
CGI is a technical application of computer graphics technology for the manufacture of specially effects (special effects) in the film. Software (software / programs) computers that are typically used in the application of CGI include 3ds Max, Blender, Light Wafe 3D, Maya, and Autodesk Softimage.
Computer-Generated Imagery (CGI; Indonesian: "computer-generated imaging") is the use of computer graphics (or more precisely, 3D computer graphics) in the special effects. CGI is used in movies, television shows and commercials, as well as print media. Video games generally use real-time computer graphics (rarely referred to as CGI), but also frequently use the "scene of the middle" (cutscene) that has been rendered and the films opening similar to the use of CGI. This is called Full Motion Video (FMV).
Speeding in the world of animation more heated alone. Competition is not only in the 3D era now. However, in the era of 2D animation was also used to occur in tight competition. This topic is very interesting to be discussed. In this paper I will write things related to the world of animation. We know that something is a series of images with the use of animation techniques to produce something that looks alive and moving is called animation. Still a lot of sense animations that we can know. World of animated film that will be me talking about here is in the form of animated-cartoon animation.
We know that the animation will not be far away from Disney. Animation was first produced in 1901 and was created by a man named Walter Disney. He founded a company that more and more dominate the world of cartoons. Companies that become "king of animation", Walt Disney. Already hundreds of cartoons that have been created by these large companies. As a result, formed a thought in society, if we are talking about a cartoon we talking about Disney.
2D animation continues to be consumed by the animators, animators of the world. Besides Disney, other companies that use 2D animation is Nickelodeon. Nickelodeon created some cartoons, one of which became icons also is SpongeBob Square Pants. There are still many other companies are following in the footsteps of Walt Disney to create cartoons based 2D. We all know, technology always goes forward. Based 2D animation techniques also have a rival, namely on the basis of 3D animation techniques. The films have the advantage of 3D animation with more than 2D. This modern technique makes animated cartoon films more real, more alive and animate course. With the help of technology CGI (Computer Generated Imagery), cartoon films look more lifeless and real.
We all must have seen the movies photo realistic animation that encourages us to imagine how to make it. Seawater scene split and form a wave as high as the tallest tower in the world. due to meteor collisions for the city of New York and ready to envelop the largest city in the world and knock down buildings skyscrapers in the film Deep Impact was so realistic that makes us wonder how the manufacturing process? So also with scenes blizzard-covered city in the film The Day After Tomorrow. There is a small miniature guess made as close as possible to the original and then doused with water so it looks like it's spectacular scenes. Is a computer graphics technology that helps a wide range of things that are too expensive and unlikely to be made in films, commercials, and video games become real. Visual effects technology in a variety of 3-dimensional software and other supporting software that makes us stunned as he watched the scene as if the earth a doomsday. Maybe you start to think what to do such things with photography? In western countries or the advanced technology that is now often referred to as CGI began to be applied in the field of photography. Various objects that are too difficult or expensive made with photography created through CGI.
CGI or also called Computer-generated imagery is a good visual-visual form of still photographs and film / ad / interactive elements in websites that are created with computer graphics software. Visuals generated through CGI processes are usually put forward the elements of photo-realistic or resemblance to the original. (Computer-Generated Imagery). CGI technology is making the resulting picture is better and looks like real. Glen Taylor, founder and chief operating officer James Taylor, a CGI company domiciled in the UK say that now we can find many images produced by CGI, either in part or in whole. Starting from the animated film, video & computer games, special effects in films & TV commercials, interactive content on the website and in the manufacture of a visual photography.
when using photography to create a visual, then the object that is obtained is what it is. When we wanted a few changes and adjustments it is necessary to re-shoot. Gley James Taylor of Taylor (maker of the first CGI) provides an example of a Motorola project they're working, the project originated from the only image for print ads.
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