Tips Saving Data Safe from Viruses

Guidelines Saving Information Resistant to Viruses

Storing information is an action that must and should be done by the computer person. Generally information is kept on a disk drive such as pushes, weak drives, display etc.. But what if the information kept was assaulted by a virus? This is a big problem.

Current progression of the computer malware increased. But we also need to reply wisely. One of them is by using computer virus. But the listlessness of this computer virus is sometimes assaulted by a computer malware which data could not be stored. Therefore, here are some methods to shop data to be secure from trojans. And I think the tips below are very ideal for storage area on the display.

First. Compres data we want to preserve to display using winzip or winrar. Because the computer malware hardly ever infects data files in the *. zip data file.

Second. Keep information (especially for a set) you with formant *. txt, the way your writing is to preserve the txt structure (choose preserve as). Viruses are also hardly ever infects data files with *. txt format

Third, preserve the information in code structure, the way is by simply clicking preserve as a papers, then change the data file type it into code.

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