Home > CMS > Content Management System
Content Management System
Posted on Selasa, 29 November 2011 by internet marketing
CMS appears for Content Management System is a way of web technology
based content. All content dimanajemensystematically through a section that is easy
carried out. Moderators do not need to set upweb content off-line and then upload
back to the hosting server, but it can be done on the internet. This can be done
because all the information kept in the data source.Typically a CMS is an program that
open to the person, significance that the person may havecontributed to improve the information of
course this is also the web administratorsupervision.
The following will talk about how to make CMS programs to present a selection of articles.
This program allows the person to deliver the post when he was authorized as a
member in the program web page.
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