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Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)
Posted on Selasa, 29 November 2011 by internet marketing
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technological innovation iscapable of moving past voice visitors, video
and information by means of packages over an IP system. IP system is the system itself is
data marketing and sales communications packet-switch, so thephone using the IP system or
The Online. With phone calls using VoIP, a lot ofbenefits that can be taken
them are clearly price less than conventional cellphone charges, because the IP network
are international. So for worldwide operations can be decreased by 70%. Moreover, the cost
maintenance can be on tap for individual voice and information system, so the IP Phone can be in
added, shifted and modified. This is becauseVoIP can be set up in any ethernet and IP
address, as opposed to conventional cellphone must have its own interface in Middle or PBX.
Development of Online technological innovation that is rapidlypushing towards unity with
other interaction technological innovation.Standardization of interaction methods inVoIP technological innovation such as H.323
has empowered marketing and sales communications incorporated withother interaction systems such as PSTN.
Extensive marketing and sales communications system that hasunfolded in Philippines is maintained by the PSTNnetwork
PT Telkom. To percangan system needs to be established the location of Network Functions Center
(NOC), Factor Of Existence (POP), Wireless router,Gateway or the progression of the hyperlink between places - cities
strategic and powerful.
In developing a VoIP system, being concerned that in now is a issue of wait and bandwith.
Delay is scheduled as time necessary to transmitdata from the resource (sender)
to the destination (receiver), while the bandwidthis the highest possible rate that can be used
to execute information indication between computer systems on an IP system or the Online.
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