addons Firefox that you can use

In this article will discuss about some of the best Firefox addons that you can use for all your browsing needs. I will only explain some of the best are likely to be useful to you.

Access to all user-made scripts that make the Internet better.
Greasemonkey is an add-on for Firefox that gives aAccess to all user-made scripts that make scripts to increase your browsing speed. This greasemonkey script allows you to customize how to display the web page and can offer everything from minor tweaks to complete the format.
The downside is that not all scripts will work on every sites visited. With the number of greasemonkey scripts there and find one that works can be very difficult at times.
Greasefire eliminate this problem. It works together with the Greasemonkey script and tell you what works on the current page you're on.
In this article, I will show you where to get Greasefire, how to install add-on, and how to use basic functions.

Blocking any and all flash file until you want to see them. It happens to us all. We like to use a browser tab to open the link more and more in the background and then go through them one by one. But it's really annoying when some of the tabs in the background auto-play video or audio files that interfere with what you are listening or that distract you from your normal routine browsing or work.
Fortunately, there are some practical tools that can prevent that annoying experience or at least help you quickly resolve problems. The tools below will be useful for:
Disable the sound of unwanted advertising (especially on pages that open in the background and you can not quickly find the source of sound); Open a flash game or a YouTube video in the background tab and play the sound of one tab; Browsing without fear that someone at work will find out what you do in fact; Browsing page with auto-play video and audio files without being distracted from what you're listening.

Extension of the highest security: just run the script on a site you trust.

Many problems come from the exploitation of security browser JavaScript code. NoScript prevents the code from executing, and then tell you about what the code is blocked. You can then add pages to your white list with a few clicks. That way, you are protected when browsing foreign sites, but still be able to check Gmail account and surf Digg.

Adblock Plus is more powerful than Flashblock, but can also be more difficult to handle. This extension can block all types of ads and filter can be set manually to block a particular item. The most convenient solution is to subscribe to a filter that will automatically block most ads. Watch online video without watching the commercials. Works on Hulu and most network sites.
That's some addoms firefox you can use for your internet access, may be useful for you ..

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