When Not To Use Buy Now

As you get more practised on eBay, you might be tempted to use fixed value auctions, just so you can bag better. It’s often more reassuring to know that either you will make a puny avails on an also instead of having to wait and see whether it makes a big avails or a big deprivation. However, you should be apprised that there are some seasons when you really shouldn’t use ‘Buy it Now’.

In the Holiday Season.

The place of traffic entrepã´t goes completely rickety just before the holidays – and that’s why you shouldn’t roll items using Buy it Now. Do you really want to be awake up one break of day and discover that all your stalk has been bought up, the current highest bidders on your rivals are command in pairs what you just sold them for, and the family who bought your also have relisted it with a starting value higher than what they paid? Of course you don’t.

I would praise that you close up listing anything as fixed value as soon as you get into December, unless you have a lot of accumulated stalk that you want to get rid of for low prices.

When an also is In-require.

If an also is selling within a few hours each duration you roll it using Buy it Now, then you really ought to consider using a ordinary public sale format instead. The chances are that the last value you’d get would be much higher than whatever you’re charging now.

When You Have the Only also on the place of traffic entrepã´t.

If you have a unyielding-to-discover also that no-one else is currently selling, then it makes no faculty of perception to use Buy it Now. You’ll be surprised just how elevated buyers will go on things that are truly thinly scattered, and how capsize they’ll be if someone snatches it away from them using Buy it Now. It’s only unspotted to bestow everyone a luck to pay you more and more coin, isn’t it?

If Your also Doesn’t vend.

If you keep needing to relist your also because it consistently fails to vend, that might be the duration to bestow up on listing it in the fixed value format. Buy it Now only works for things that family always want – orally transmitted auctions envelop them more with things that they wouldn’t usually buy. You might end up with a little lower value than you wanted in the end, but at least that bad also will be off your clutches.

If No-one Ever Buys From You With It.

It’s artlessly not character having a Buy it Now button on every one of your auctions if nobody ever touches the thing: it’s just session there, costing you coin for each listing. When it comes down to it, Buy it Now is costly, and you should only use it in auctions where you really think it will help the also to vend.

Now you might not have noticed, but there’s another ‘alternative’ public sale format that often goes ignored: the multiple-also, or ‘Dutch’ public sale. In the next email, I’ll display you how these auctions be in action, and eclaircize why they could be useful for your profession.

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