Cool Cell Phone Tricks For You

Mobile phones have become ubiquitous. Now it is not unusual to find people who do not have one little beasties. The next step obviously is to find a way to make sure your phone is unique and different from everything else out there. Various features in various combinations and there are the usual tricks like adjust the picture on the screen or ring tones. These are almost all more style than substance.

We've all experienced the ringtone outstays welcome and then just will not go away or a ringtone that only highly inappropriate for several reasons. There is also a story of only one cell phone wallpaper showing the relative boss or some other potentially embarrassing sight. Some people actually use their phones for something other than a status symbol. Here are some tricks for them.

One potentially useful trick is a dog whistle. For phones that allow multiple ring tones, use a dog whistle audible for one provides a useful method to prevent the annoying dogs that might chase you when you jog, harass you while walking or other complexities.

Another useful trick is that of a habit to lock the phone keypad when you replace it into the container pocket, purse or other. Pressing the random button otherwise occur is draining the battery power unless the phone has been told to ignore them with the command key, and can potentially save money if the phone might accidentally hit the right combination to make a call. Another useful feature to save battery power plane mode, for those times when you do not want to answer the phone but do not expect to need the other features of the phone, such as the planner function or even hours.

Finally, the phone is very convenient. Carrying around a phone book does not. Yet conventional directory assistance costs can add up. The alternative is a 800-FREE411, or 800-373-3411. This is an ad-supported directory assistance that can be used to find the number you have stored on your phone without running their directory assistance costs.

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