Home > Games > The Pac-Man Syndrome
The Pac-Man Syndrome
Posted on Kamis, 22 Desember 2011 by internet marketing
Pac- man was created by Toru Itwani and licensed by Namco. The game was centered on an old Japanese folk tale.
The object of the game was simply to move through a maze, while gobbling the dots and avoiding ghosts. Pac Man was a tear away success spawning a cult in its wake.
It was picked up for production in the US by Midway.
Pac-man was a nice breakaway for gamers bored with an extreme dose of space invaders. The game soon went on to strip ‘Asteroids’ as the greatest selling game of all time.
Game play
The player maneuvers the protagonist through a maze eating dots. The game proceeds to the next level once all the dots are eaten.
There are four ghosts which roam around the maze trying to catch Pac-man who is the character maneuvered by the player. If the ghosts touch Pac-man, a life is lost.
The game ends when no lives remain.
At the corners of the maze there are four power ups. These power-ups render Pac-man a short-timed ability to gobble up the ghosts.
Once a ghost is eaten, it returns to the ghost pen where it is revived. The regeneration time for the ghosts shortens as the game advances through the stages.
Despite the seemingly randomness movement of the ghosts, their nature is strictly deterministic. This allows experienced players to devise precise patterns of movement that enables them to complete levels without being caught ever.
The simplicity of the game and the adrenaline rush it created, when a ghost came near transformed this game into an addiction. Unofficially, it is the most played game of all time.
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