Home > news > spam message and new viruses
spam message and new viruses
Posted on Rabu, 28 Desember 2011 by internet marketing
"A message to our customers about a spam message and new viruses
Please be advised That if you received an email suggesting That DHL is Attempting to deliver a package, Requesting That you
open the emails attachment in order to Affect delivery, this emails is fraudulent, the attachment is a computers viruses, And The
package does not exist.
Please do not open the attachment. This virus does not originate from DHL. We apologize for any inconvenience.
fraud Alert
Please read our urgent security notice on fraudulent use of the DHL name. "
can be seen from the following link http://www.dhl.com/en/about_us/new_virus.html
can be seen from the following hyperlink http://www.dhl.com/en/about_us/new_virus.html
So in reality there are spammers with get in touch with "your.support @ dhl.com" deliver get in touch with by means of your pc system spyware pc system computer file to the focus on (customer) is the name of the aspect of DHL, the items of the email:
Dear client.
Your package has been sent to your deal with.
Please find a publish brand linked the which contains a monitor number of your package.
Thank you for your interest.
DHL Strategies.
And dark with the type pc system computer file. Zip pc system computer file, and your pc system computer file contains a pc system spyware.
. Zip pc system computer file that I acquired the name "Post_Label_US4593.zip" and if your pc system computer file is produced there is a pc system computer file "Post_Label.exe" and the listing "system" is in the invisible, and in that listing there are some information. Txt and. Docx an clear potential / 0KB.
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