Home > tips and triks > SAVES YOUR LAPTOP BATTERY
Posted on Senin, 19 Desember 2011 by internet marketing
Because too old to use computer energy supply our computer. Then sooner or later laptops computer energy supply will run out so we need to charge more in the flow of electricity. Here are tips to save your computer battery
- Screen is one of the causes of declining your computer energy supply quickly. Then the solution that you can dim the display or screen on your computer to the level that suits your comfort.
- We recommend that you convert off or disable Wi-Fi on your computer, if you do not use or require the Wi-Fi. Because Wi-Fi is a bit much suck your computer energy supply quickly.
- If there is a flash that still exist on your computer and you are not using the flash, then eject / off the flash from your computer. To meghemat your computer energy supply.
- If there is a cassette CD (Compact Disk) still in your computer. You can remove it if it is not used anymore. To preserve energy supply your computer.
- If you're using a computer on energy supply to convert on your computer. We recommend that you convert off the cooler or a fan, and mouse connected via usb to your computer. Its function is also to preserve your computer energy supply.
- If there is application that is active but you do not need it. So close, or just convert off. So it can save your computer energy supply. One such application is antivirus application.
- You can also use a application called BatteryCare. To help preserve energy supply of your computer.
- You should melepats computer energy supply. When you use laptops computer directly to the cord plugs. Its function also saves energy supply of your computer.
- When you use a computer with a energy supply as a energy. Do your computer while mengcharge. To maintain and preserve your computer energy supply.
- Should make sure the temperature of your computer protected from temperatures that are too hot like in buses or cars during the day.
- If you wish to store a computer energy supply in a vulnerable long enough, then store in a cool place and in a place with air circulation smooth.
- Better not use a energy supply that does not fit with your computer. Do not use a computer energy supply that is not compatible with your computer.
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